Rated R was about to launch, and they were in need for a plan to grow without spending much on ads.
And what can email outreach do to a just-born e-comm fashion brand? Well... much more than one would think of in the first place.
Could you do a proper fashion brand without the right providers? Doubt it.
Rated R is one of the most ambitious brands we've seen - they're in to devour the market and give it a 180º revolution, we don't miss with these predictions and remember: you saw it here first.
If we had to describe Rated R it would be that: sexy.
From the way they advertise to their well-fitting clothing garments.
Grabbing the customer's attention required a lot of money if going through the route of traditional advertising, or Facebook or Google ads, so we came up with a better idea..
We used an Influencer Outreach Strategy, where we extracted the emails from their Instagram profiles, and made them an offer they could not resist. (Godfather vibes)
This way we were able to get 39 influencers on board and chose to keep working with 12 of them that will launch Rated R Clothing to the moon - and beyond.
Just wait and see.